Other Awesome Places Online and Banner Exchange Page |
I'm so
happy to finally be able to have the time to bring this page to you!
If you would like to do a banner exchange, the rules are here.
This is also a page to list (and link to) the sites that I think are
really awesome and deserve recognition, sites that belong to my friends,
and sites that don't have banners that have linked to 18/28. Also, there
are links to places online where I got the photos that have helped make
this site possible to begin with...it's only fair, you know! Many kudos
to Rosalyn, who I think I'm going to name my assistant for this site....she
does some awesome scouting!

Sense Links
This section includes various professional links where
you can look up information on Adam on any given day, and places that
I wouldn't expect a link back from.
National Hockey League
NHL Players' Association
Los Angeles Kings
Colorado Avalanche
Portland Winterhawks
The Hockey News
CNN/Sports Illustrated
The Sporting News
The Los Angeles Times
The Denver Post
The Press-Enterprise
CBS Sportsline
Plain Awesome Places / Places That Helped
RinkRat's Site, Let'sGoKings.com
Leah's Site, Go
Kings Go
HSI Graphics
My Friends' Online Homes
Camp Adventures
My closest friend here in South Florida...Kelly's site gives a great
look into the life of kids with Muscular Dystrophy and the camp they
can attend every July/August.
Personal Website
My longtime penpal finally has her own site and business!
Check out On Time Talent!
Personal Homepage
My best friend in Chi-Town...click on the link if you're in need
of a nice getaway planned by Tim!
to come soon!**