I saw this on a Dallas board I frequent and thought of Christa Deadmarsh when I read it, so here it is:

Wives of Professional Players Know How To Cope

By Ray Buck
Star-Telegram Staff Writer

Wives of professional athletes, for the most part, are independent women who don't easily tolerate abusive fans or fret over groupies on the road.

As a rule, when their husbands don't leave home without it ... they're talking about cellphones.

Tales from the domestic front were told to the Star-Telegram in a sampling of Mavericks, Cowboys and Stars wives, all presently in-season, leaving us to determine that players' wives are more inclined to have a retort for an obnoxious fan than a worry about their husbands on the road.

"I'm kind of loud-mouthed anyway," said Joie LaFrentz, wife of Mavs forward-center Raef. "I understand fans have just as much a right as I do to say anything they want ... but I'll let them know if they cross the line."

On the topic of possible groupies in the hotel lobby, Joie LaFrentz -- married only 16 months -- quickly replied, "That's never really crossed my mind."

Elizabeth Turgeon, wife of Stars center Pierre and a mother of four children, ages 4-10, said: "I'm sure groupies are out there, but I don't really think about it. With Pierre, I think a lot of people know about the four kids. Maybe he's not as interesting [to groupies]; I don't know."

Audrey Griffin, married six years to third-year NBA veteran Adrian with the Mavs, has adopted a bond of faith that she and her husband share. The Griffins have three children, the oldest 5.

"Adrian and I have a relationship with the Lord. We know he is watching over stuff like [NBA groupies], so it's not even a concern of mine," Audrey said. "But, now, if someone yells at Adrian or someone else on the team, I'll be the first to mention, 'Calm down. This player has family around. Don't be rude.' "

These are typical responses by stand-up women who pay bills, manage pets, raise kids, schedule home maintenance, play chauffeur, and are only a speed-dial call away from making personal contact with their frequently flattered and idolized husbands.

Without a doubt, the cellphone is the greatest invention known to players' wives.

"I never call the hotel number anymore," said Anne Marie Morrow, wife of Stars left wing Brenden.

Pro athletes' wives know that pro athletes on the road should have cellphones with them, and turned on, unless they're in a meeting, on the field, on the court or on the ice.

Kelly Turco, third-year wife of Stars goalie Marty and the mother of a 9-month-old daughter, doesn't spend much time worrying about groupies. But she does appreciate that Stars management provides an annual discussion of potential pitfalls on the road in front of the entire team.

"The guys are drilled to watch out for stuff like girls slipping them something in their drinks in bars," Kelly Turco said. "It's a little reminder that there are girls out there who will try to take advantage. And [knowing it is discussed openly] does put my mind more at ease."

Kelly Turco and Anne Marie Morrow are best friends. They sit next to each other in the wives' Section 110 at American Airlines Center. Their husbands are roommates on the road. Their houses are two minutes apart. They even keep each other's "third key" in case of an emergency.

When asked if NHL groupies are a concern, Anne Marie Morrow, a hockey wife of four months, said with a laugh, "No, we've seen the groupies."

The Stars and Mavs typically are gone several days at a time. The Stars have a marathon trip coming up in December that includes seven stops in 13 days. The Mavs have an eight-day, four-city trip to the West Coast in January.

Kristina Eschmeyer, who was married in July to Mavs center Evan, is the former Kristina Divjak, an All-Big Ten basketball player at Northwestern.

"So I'm very familiar with the lifestyle of the athlete ... and the road trips," said Kristina, whose career was cut short by two surgeries on her left knee. "I understand when Evan is tired, and why he's tired."

The Cowboys, by comparison, have the easiest travel schedule of the three teams: eight regular-season road games, each requiring a one-night sleepover. All teams charter flights.

This is when Mary Kate Noble, wife of Cowboys defensive tackle Brandon, becomes sole caretaker of 14-month-old Connor and the couple's two very large English bulldogs, Chief and Bubba.

Three weeks ago, Chief's foot began bleeding after he tore a pad at the Noble's Valley Ranch apartment.

Brandon already had left with the team and checked into the posh Hilton Phoenix East. Mary Kate was left to try to save the carpet and clean Chief's wound as best she could with paper towels. She wasn't alone. Bubba and Connor were right there ... trying to help, of course.

"Something bad happens every time Brandon goes away," Mary Kate said, "and it's usually to one of the dogs."

None of the wives interviewed complained about excessive criticism from media or fans or privacy invasions when they're at dinner with their husbands.

"Brandon is very unassuming," Mary Kate Noble said. "He wears clothes from Old Navy. His shirt usually has holes in it. So people think, 'Is that Brandon Noble? Naw. Brandon Noble makes enough money to dress better than that.' "

Most women who marry into the lifestyle of pro athlete's wife quickly learn.

"Have your own life," Mary Kate Noble said.

"Be somewhat independent," Joie LaFrentz said.

"It's not all glamorous," Elizabeth Turgeon said.

"Be flexible and independent," Anne Marie Morrow said. "My advice would be to find a girlfriend that you can get along with really well."

And don't sweat the groupies.